5 Reasons your church needs a website

If you have been struggling with the question of getting a website for your church, here are 5 reasons to make the digital jump. 

1. People are looking for your church and they are not driving through your neighborhood looking for the sign out front, they are going straight to Google or their favorite search engine.


2. It is the most inexpenseive advertising you can find anywhere.  You can link back to your church website on dozens or even hundreds of church finder websites, combined with your search result listing you can reach more people for less money than any other form of advertising.


3. Tell people what you are about and what you believe.  People want to know what you believe before they walk through your doors. A website is your way to answer many questions people may have about your church, thus increasing likely visitors.


4. Organize your congregation using a website calendar for events, and posting details of events that people can reference. Everyone knows what is happening and when.


5. Connect with your congregation and potential guests by posting sermons, pictures and video that people can discuss and share amongst each other and with friends that you may never have reached otherwise. Media on your church website is one of the best ways to help your congregation with their word of mouth advertising.



N8 Creates specializes in church and youth ministry websites that appeal to all ages.  Nate has been involved in youth and media ministry for over 10 years and has a desire to share the Gospel message as far and wide as possible, while presented in the best possible fashion.


If you are interested in a new, modern, responsive website, contact Nate today!

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